To publish your module to the OpenGB module registry, follow these steps:



Fork & clone the repository

  1. Go to the OpenGB modules repository
  2. Click the “Fork” button in the top right to create a copy of the repo in your own GitHub account
  3. Clone your forked repo locally (more info)

Add your module

  1. Add your module code under a new folder for your module under the modules/ directory.g. modules/my_module. For example:

       ├── module.json
       └── scripts/
          ├── fetch.ts
          └── ...
  2. Commit your changes using Conventional Commits

    • Include the module name in parenthesis after the commit message, e.g. feat(my_module): add new script
  3. Push your changes to your forked repo (more info)


Open a pull request

Open a pull request against the upstream rivet-gg/opengb-modules repo (see GitHub’s guide on creating a pull request)

OpenGB’s maintainers will review your PR within 48 hours.

Release Checklist

Before publishing your module, make sure your module passes all the required checks:

  • All tests pass (opengb test)
  • All required metadata are filled out in the module.json:
    • status: The status of the module
    • name: The human readable name of the module
    • description: A short description of the module
    • icon: The Font Awesome icon name of the module
    • tags: The tags associated with this module
    • authors: The GitHub handle of the authors of the module
    • errors: The errors associated with this module (required)
    • See module config for more details
  • All exposed scripts have names & descriptions
  • Custom errors thrown by the module have names and descriptions

Alternative: Hosting Your Own Registry

You can also host your own OpenGB module registry. This allows you to maintain complete control over your published modules.

We look forward to your contributions to the OpenGB ecosystem!