Plane Hero

Modular Game Backend

Open Game Backend is built to launch quickly, adapt to your game, and scale effortlessly.
Supports Godot, Unity, Unreal Engine, HTML5, and Custom Engines.

Trust no-one, own your backend

What is Open Game Backend?

Modular backend

Combine pre-made modules or build your own modules to fit your game’s unique requirements & launch quicky.

Batteries included

Provides thoroughly reviewed, tested, and documented modules to get you started quickly & allow you to customize to fit your needs.

Script easily like a game engine

Easily extend & adapt on top of the OpenGB Engine using TypeScript. Designed to be scripted by game developers.

Real-time with actors

Built around innovative actor-based technology to provide complicated real-time functionality.

Secure, load-tested, & resilient

Built to withstand the chaos that games need to grow & stay online. Load testing, rate limits, captchas, strict schemas, are all enforced by default.

Open-source, permissively licensed, & self-hostable

Apache 2.0 license allows you to adapt, modify, & redistribute freely.

See how Open Game Backend compares to PlayFab, Supabase, and Nakama.

Get started


Setup project

Start by installing the users module, generating an SDK, and starting the server.

# Create project
opengb init
# Install module
opengb module add friends
# Generate SDK to communicate with OpenGB for your game engine. Supports Godot, Unity, and JavaScript.
opengb sdk generate --output path/to/sdk godot
# Start dev server & database
opengb dev

See all available modules here.


Call backend scripts

Use the SDK you just generated to call backend scripts. You can see the documentation for users.fetch here.


Deploy server

Deploy a production-grade scalable backend to Rivet Cloud for free. Requires installing the Rivet CLI.

rivet backend deploy prod

Write your own module (optional)

Open Game Backend is designed to scale & adapt to the needs of your game. Easily extend & modify modules using TypeScript, no backend experience required.

Read more about how to build your own modules here.


These modules are thoroughly reviewed, tested, and documented to help you get your game backend up and running as quickly as possible. Learn more about creating your own module and using your own registries.

What’s next?